High School Diploma, HiSET, & Basic Academic

For further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Image of students graduating

The MCAS Academic Lab is open every weekday for in-person instruction of all Academic programs during the 2024-25 school year. Curriculum for MCAS high school diploma classes, high school equivalency test prep (HiSET), and basic academic courses is accessed online with Edgenuity and other supplemental applications. Students who have difficulty accessing Edgenuity can obtain course curriculum through assignment sheets in Google Drive or Google Classroom.

MCAS offers a variety of academically rigorous courses that meet all students’ educational goals and prepare students for college and career. Students can earn a WASC-accredited, NCAA-approved high school diploma and take UC a-g courses. For those students who wish to pursue a high school equivalency, MCAS offers classes to prepare for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and serves as a HiSET testing site. MCAS also offers basic academic Math, English, and Vocational Literacy classes for vocational and other students who wish to improve their academic skills.

MCAS has created a varied Academic schedule where teachers across subject matters can provide direct instruction to small groups, or one-on-one, to support these online classes. However, because MCAS faculty expertly utilized online instructional methods during the COVID-19 shutdown, they are well prepared to assist students with some virtual one-on-one instruction, if time in their instructional schedule permits. To inquire about these virtual options, contact MCAS instructors during lab hours and see if, and when, they have time to meet via Zoom.

High School Diploma

Class to be held at:
Main Campus (MTN)
920 South Mountain Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016

Total Program Fee:

Term 2 Day
Jan 6, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Mon - Fri
8:00am - 11:00am
Term 2 Night
Jan 7, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Tue and Thu
6:00pm - 8:00pm

The Monrovia Community Adult School diploma program allows students to earn a WASC-accredited high school diploma as an adult. The program offers a rigorous, standards-based curriculum in primarily an independent study delivery model, but with some small group, direct instruction. The program ensures that graduates acquire critical academic skills necessary to continue their education in a postsecondary institution and provides the opportunity to achieve success in the workplace and in life.

If you are a student new to MCAS and you want to enroll in classes to complete your high school diploma, your first steps will be to get an official transcript from the last school you attended and to call the front office (626) 471- 3035 to schedule an appointment with an MCAS counselor. You will meet with the counselor, review your transcripts and create an academic action plan to better reach your goals.

If you are a returning MCAS student working on your high school diploma and you have already submitted your official transcript to MCAS, you may register for the Academic Lab in person at the Adult School Mountain Avenue campus office.

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High School Equivalency Test (HiSet) Prep

Class to be held at:
Main Campus (MTN)
920 South Mountain Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016

Total Program Fee:
*PSI charges a fee to take the HiSET exam. However, MCAS students who complete 12 hours of instruction and a CASAS pre- and post-test will pay nothing for the test.

Term 2 Day
Jan 6, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Mon - Fri
8:00am - 11:00am
Term 2 Night
Jan 7, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Tue and Thu
6:00pm - 8:00pm

The Monrovia Community Adult School is a PSI High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) testing center only and does not provide test preparation courses for the GED exam.

With the MCAS HiSET Preparation program, our academic lab offers significant online and in classroom resources to help students prepare for the HiSET. The academic lab instructor will provide some small group or one-on-one direct instruction and then students work through HiSET preparation materials.

Students interested in the HiSET Preparation courses must first make an appointment with the MCAS counselor to create an action plan prior to registration. Please call (626) 471-3035 to schedule an appointment.

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Adult Basic Education Courses

Class to be held at:
Main Campus (MTN)
920 South Mountain Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016

Total Program Fee:

ABE English Language Arts – 1, 2, 3
Term 2 Day
Jan 6, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Mon - Fri
8:00am - 9:00am
Term 2 Night
Jan 7, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Tue and Thu
6:00pm - 8:00pm

ABE Math – 1, 2, 3
Term 2 Day
Jan 6, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Mon - Fri
9:00am - 10:00am
Term 2 Night
Jan 7, 2025 – May 22, 2025
Tue and Thu
6:00pm - 8:00pm

The MCAS ABE program is designed to meet the academic needs of each individual and to help students achieve their personal and educational goals. The program goal is to support students in MCAS vocational training programs, transition students to the workplace, or prepare students for the MCAS high school diploma or HiSET programs.

All MCAS ABE courses in English Language Arts and Math are competency-based and delivered in a hybrid manner. With hybrid classes, curriculum is accessed online and instruction is in-person (or in some instances via video conferencing). In a competency-based course, students can progress through the course learning objectives as quickly as they show proficiency in the objective. If students demonstrate proficiency of a concept to the instructor, they progress to the next concept without having to complete all of the formative assignments. Courses are a combination of direct and online instruction.

In the evening, students receive instruction from one of the Academic Lab instructors. The instructor offers ABE courses that are similar to the day time courses. In addition to the courses, the instructor can help with basic business math skills, test taking strategies, reading, vocabulary, spelling, grammar mechanics and writing.

To provide additional academic support to MCAS CTE students, MCAS offers Medical Math in addition to ABE courses. Instruction and curriculum for Medical Math are delivered both online and in-person.

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Career Technical Education Programs

Learn new career skills and start a new career!

Monrovia Community Adult School offers numerous short-term vocational programs that help your earn certifications and give you the skills you need to start a new career. MCAS teachers are experienced professionals who share their industry knowledge to give you a solid foundation for success in a new profession. These teachers also have significant industry contacts and resources to ensure that students who successfully complete our vocational programs have a high rate of job attainment.

Academics & Arts Programs

In addition to our world class vocational programs, MCAS offers excellent Non-Technical Programs. Our English as a Second Language faculty is passionate, caring and committed to helping our students become proficient in English as quickly as possible. The MCAS Academic Lab offers a rigorous high school diploma program that prepares students for postsecondary education. Students seeking assistance with basic skills or test prep for the GED or HiSET can receive assistance from highly qualified instructors. And MCAS arts and crafts classes are taught by talented, successful artists.
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